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Standard fiction

Gash of the Titans

[Available in e-book AND paperback!]


An epic with real teeth.

Centuries from now, when America is a barren wasteland and men keep women in cages, Donthiki is born with a special mutation: fangs in the cleft between her legs.

Knowing that men need little excuse to end a woman's life, she must closely guard this secret so none discover the weapon she holds in her intimate flesh.

Until one day, it reveals itself and changes everything.

As her legs spread, so does the legend - and Donthiki finds herself the unintended leader of a potential revolution. Can women truly change their horrendous fate? Or will the might of men keep them ground into the lifeless dirt for all eternity?

Watch her take a bite out of destiny.

This post-apocalyptic tale has echoes of sword-and-sandals epics and science-fiction classics - you won't want to miss it!

[Content warning: contains combat, gore, violence against women, rape]

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